Xfers is now Fazz Business. Learn more

Send and receive payments
from anywhere to everywhere

No local transaction fees. Lower foreign exchange rates.

Local transactions made simple

Free local transfers

Free transfers to any local bank in Singapore

Fast and secure transfers

Terima pembayaran melalui FAST - jaringan pembayaran Singapura

Cross-border payments
for your global business

International money transfers

Send money in 50+ currencies with lower FX rates and fees

Receive money from anywhere

Hubungkan pelanggan dan supplier dari manapun di dunia.

The lowest fees in the market

Free payment acceptance and outgoing payment transfer

 fazzdbsocbc bankuobhitpayomise
TipeAkun Fazz BisnisDBS IdealAkun Business GrowthAkun eBusinessAkun HitPayAkun Omise
Transfer Bank PenerimaanFreeSGD 1 – SGD 5SGD 0.50First 60 free, SGD 0.50 after0.8% + SGD 0.20
(via Giro)
Transfer Bank KeluarFreeSGD 0.50SGD 0.50SGD 0.50
PayNowFreeWaived till end 2021SGD 0.20SGD 0.200.8% + SGD 0.301.0%
Biaya lainnyaTidak adaSGD 40/tahunSGD 10/bulanSGD 35/tahuntidak adatidak ada

Pay and receive
multiple payments at once

Sell anywhere with payment links

Share payment links to customers to accept payments from anywhere

Pay everyone at once by sending in bulk

Manage multiple payments easily through our dashboard, and send bulk payments in one go.

Automate payments with the Payment API

Accept payments easily and move money seamlessly with our powerful APIs

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