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Your university major does not define your career

9 January 2023

, posted by 

Nida Amalia

University major does not define future career

Choosing a major once you graduated from high school was probably one of the hardest decisions you had to make at that time. You may have an idea of what you want to be or the career you want to pursue by choosing the major for university. However, many recent graduates don’t feel passionate about their field after a while or have cast their nets wider, happy to accept any kind of employment.

We had a chat with Antonius Steven, People Data Analyst Intern who went a completely different direction from his major in university but found similarities in his time as an intern at Fazz. 

What do you study and what is your role with Fazz?

I study Aviation/Aerospace Engineering, a field of engineering concerned with the development of aircraft, but my internship role with Fazz is at People Analytics, a field of data analytics concerned with development and effectiveness of People side in the organization. These two fields may not directly relate to one another and appear to have no overlaps, yet they really do share certain similarities, such as the use of data in decision-making processes (especially in some aspects of high-frequency dynamic response from a system).

How did you end up in the People Analytics role?

I first learned about Fazz and the role from LinkedIn when I was looking for an internship opportunity in a data analytics role. During the interview, I learned about People Analytics even further and how important it is for the organization and it sparked my interest in this job area.

What did you learn so far from your internship? Anything surprised you?

Actually, a lot. One of the surprises was when I realised that my understanding about People / HR needed to be updated. Let’s take one example: recruitment process. I used to think that People Dept only focused on posting job vacancies and conducting interviews. After doing this internship with Fazz, I just realized that People Team (in Fazz) uses a lot of data analytics capabilities in improving our recruitment team productivity, our candidate sourcing effectiveness, and candidate experience.

Is there anything you would like to share with your fellow college students about pursuing their future career?

Your major should not be a limit that defines your future career. Find what your interest is and go with it. However, if you want to pursue a career in a different field from your current study, you should start developing your skill in that area as early as possible. In my fifth semester of college, I developed an interest in data science and analytics and since then I made the decision to learn it on my own.

From this conversation, we can learn that the major you chose all those years ago right after high school does not always have to determine your future. You can still develop your skills and knowledge through internships that you are most interested while applying things you learnt in university a long the way. 

Fazz welcomes all students from various majors to take a step into the financial technology world and be one of the agents of changes in financial inclusion for Southeast Asia. 

Ready to make your mark in Southeast Asia? Take your first STEP with us: https://fazz.com/careers/


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